Semiology and pathophysiology of Epilepsy

Epileptic seizures are labeled with the aid of a diffusion of symptoms. Their standard semiology served for a long time as the fundamental tool to classify epilepsy syndromes. The signs and symptoms of epileptic seizures encompass the subsequent spheres: sensorial sphere, attention, motor and autonomic spheres. most seizures involve multiple sphere, however, a few like for instance aura (sensorial sphere) or dialectics seizures (attention) involve handiest one sphere. The major medical features of a seizure decide the seizure classification. The following review gives an advent into the sociological seizure classification. This method allows us to better become aware of the epileptogenic quarter of our sufferers and to select the simplest scientific or surgical treatment. Pathophysiology is a union of pathology and body structure that explains the sensible variations in a diseased kingdom.

Epilepsy pathophysiology is referred among the inhibitory (γ-amino butyric acid (GABA)) as the branch in the stability and the excitatory (glutamate) neurotransmission. This shift happens due to both selective loss of inhibitory GABA-Eric neurons after precipitating epileptogenic insults (e.g., status epileptics, stroke, and traumatic brain injury) and the reorganization of neuronal circuits that prefer hyper synchrony of neuronal populations (e.g., aberrant connections formed through the axons of dentate granule cells of the dentate gyros, known as mossy fiber sprouting). Deficit in GABA-mediated signaling and augmentation of glutamatergic transmission which have been documented in lots of (despite the fact that no longer all) forms of epilepsy represent the basis for the pharmacotherapy of the ailment.

Glutamate–GABA hypothesis


Voltage-gated sodium channels

